The Sacrament of Ordination 1636-40 Nicolas Poussin
One of my best friends has been very sick. I talked to him about a week before his birthday a week and a half before Christmas. He sounded like he was at deaths door. We did not talk long because it seem very difficult for him to talk. After that last short conversation I did not know about his condition or talk to him for about three weeks, This was a very difficult time for me as it ran thru the Christmas holidays not knowing if my friend was dead or alive. Finally I found out a few days after Christmas thru a friend he was in the hospital I tried calling his room 10 times a day for weeks but could not get a answer.
Apollo and the Muses (Parnassus) 1630s by Nicolas Poussin
Finally I got a room number and called the Hospital back and he picked up. It was so nice hearing his voice after almost a month of not knowing what had happen to him. I found out that after I talked to him at his home he had collapsed and was found unconscious on the floor by a friend and was rushed to the Hospital where he has been for a month spending his 82th birthday, Christmas and New Years there. A few days after I reconnected with him he returned home.
Paradise 1620 by Jan Bruegel.
The other day he told me about a beautiful dream he had in the hospital after he was in the clear. He begun by asking me if I knew who Nicolas Poussin was. Yes I said I have seen his painting in great museums all over the world and had admired his colors. He said in his dream he was in one of the most beautiful landscapes like in a Nicolas Poussin painting the colors were amazing and jewel like in this beautiful landscape with the most beautiful people, they were God like dressed in bright colorful Greek robs. A God like man came up to him and handed him a ring. Not a gold ring but a ring of the most intense shimmering shining pigeon blood red ruby.
He tuck the dream to interpret that he was giving life back. I was fascinated with his dream and as I was being told the dream by him I thought that me friend went to Elysian Fields The Geek paradise or as the French say it best The Champs-Élysées.
What a great image and lovely story.... hard to know whether the inspiration was divine or interior. What ever... lovely ruby thought.