Thursday, December 16, 2010

Latest masterpiece dropped off at the Art Gallery


Last Friday I dropped off 4 of the 7 painting I hand been working on. Today I dropped two more and was happy to find out that one more of my painting had sold this week "Greek Revival Dandy # 1. This painting showing a young fashionably dressed gentleman in front of a Greek Revival doorway.

Greek Revival Dandy # 1

My latest masterpiece titled "Garçonnière" features a Antebellum French Vernacular architecture garçonnière a bachelor's apartment or quarters. In the French Creole South when boys in the house became teenagers they were moved out of the main home into separate quarters on the property so they could entertain and come and go without disturbing the main house ( mostly the female ocupants). This garçonnière is inspired by one at Houmas House Plantation and Gardens located in Louisiana.

My painting of a garçonnière is inspired by one at Houmas House Plantation and Gardens located in Louisiana

Around the garçonnière we have a French Creole teenage garçon fashionably dressed in a period of the 1830's gesturing to his home. His dog runs past him after a riding party on the other side of the garçonnière. The garçon stands by a classical stucco pedestal with Greek Palmetto/honeysuckle motif with a cast iron Medici style urn with ferns on top, typical garden ornaments of the Romantic period.

A French Creole teenage garçon fashionably dressed in the period of the 1830's gesturing to his home. His dog runs past him after a riding party on the other side of the garçonnière.

A riding party on the other side of the garçonnière.

"Garçonnière" framed and at the Art Gallery

Another painting I finished is a painting of a Angel titled "Mobile Angel of Abundance". Showing a Angel is flowing robe holding a golden shell of Abundance. She is in a colorful sky.

"Mobile Angel of Abundance"

My paintings at the Gallery